The 72 Film Fest is an annual time based film competition where teams have 72 hours to make a movie. Based just outside the DC/Baltimore metropolitan area in Frederick, MD- 72 Film Fest inspires and challenges filmmakers to create a movie based around a specific annual theme.  Prizes and Awards are given out in a variety of categories including Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Editing and more.  Over 740 films have been made for the Fest in the first 18 years. From Students and Amateurs to Pros, all are invited to create!

Every year is a different theme, and each team gets their own criteria to produce a film in a weekend!

2024 Marks the NINETEENTH year.

72 Film Fest will be at the Weinberg Center in Frederick Maryland for 2024.

For more information read our GENERAL FAQ.  Specific questions about this year will be posted closer to the Fest dates.


72 Fest was founded with the introduction of the 72 Film Fest in 2006.

Our Mission: To provide an outlet for the creative community by hosting challenges in the fields of filmmaking, stage, writing, and other arts.

History: Over 740 short movies have been made in our first sixteen years, and 72 Film Fest has shined a spotlight on the local talent behind those movies.  We screen every entry, from first time directors on up to seasoned pros. Judged by Industry Professionals and Academics, 72 Film Fest awards entries that excel in Acting, Writing, Cinematography, Editing, Sound etc

Highlights: For 2009, we partnered with National Endowment for the Arts, Frederick County Public Library and the Big Reads Program to celebrate Edgar Allan Poe’s 200th anniversary. For 2010, we partnered with Frederick Reads program to celebrate “Fairy Tales”. Best Selling novelist Alice Hoffman came to the city to speak, and Guest Judge Eduardo Sanchez (Director of Blair Witch Project, Exists) picked the Avant Garde entry. In 2012 72 Script Fest was introduced and for the first time Finalist Screenplays were given out to filmmakers to adapt into films. Screenwriters from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean participated including entrants from US, Canada, Great Britain and France. Flying Dog Brewery introduced their “Shock and Awe” Award in 2012.

Feature Films:  In addition to inspiring/spearheading new short films in the annual film fest, the producers have launched two feature film projects: Samuel Tressler’s “LEDA“, a 3D black and white film based on the Greek myth Leda and the Swan …and Nickolas Jackson’s “THE BLACK HILLS NIGHT HIKE“, a horror anthology based on Maryland myths and monsters that will incorporate many different filmmaker’s short films.

While many of the arts are supported in the area, and have stages or galleries, filmmakers do not have a centralized place to show their work.  72 Film Fest Fest brings attention to that local talent.

72 Film Fest 2024 Producers:

Clark Kline has worked as writer/director/editor on various independent feature films and commercials. He co-founded 72 Film Fest in 2006.

Tim DeFoggi works in the shadows to help make sure everything runs smoothly. Not much is known about this elusive producer. Some say he doesn’t exist; others say that he once double-dutched with Queen Latifah. Grizzly bears are too scared to wrestle him. He’s never met a chocolate chip cookie he hasn’t liked. If you know what’s good for you, bring him cookies when you turn your movie in. In the past he has collaborated with Jason Streff and Pigeonhole Pictures.

Mike Yamrus: Award winning Director, Editor and Videographer.  Most recent documentary film “A Message From the Tree” won a Telly Award in the Historical category.  Mike works on commercials and many various side projects for a living under the company name Big Wave Media. Previous 72 Film Fest Winner (now retired) – Ready to pump some creative energy into this year’s 72 Film Fest!

Samuel Tressler IV: has spent the last five years creating commercial videos, traveling to several different continents for recent jobs, managing Archai Media, a camera rental/production boutique & Area 31 Cinema Studios in Frederick, MD, experimenting with short art films, and directing Leda, his first feature film, a back & white, silent, 3-D production.

Brennen Sadowski
Emily Cisney
Ryan Kurtz

Past Years Credits:

Producers: Clark Kline, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Mikael Johnson, Aura Manjarrez
Venue Sponsored by Phenomenology

HOSTED by Aura Manjarrez and Mikael Johnson
OPENING by Joey McAdams
BUMPS + AWARDS Mike Yamrus
ARTWORK and POSTER: Samuel Tressler IV
Awards Designed by Roland Metal Art
Launch Party Hosted by Mikael Johnson and Aura Manjarrez
Set by Mikael Aura Clark
Volunteers: Staci Reilly, Chloe Lemieux, Shannon Dant
Venue: Spinners Pinball Arcade
Homebase by Frederick Arts Council organized by SJ Wiegand

“The Call” and “The Read”
Starring Mikael Johnson, Aura Manjarrez, Clark Kline
Written/Improv by Mikael, Aura, Clark
Cameras by Mike Yamrus, Casey Morin
Edited by Clark Kline
Location by Wonder Book
Judges: Adam Lemnah, Bethany Michalski, Skizz Cyzyk, Jeffery Keilholtz, Rona Mensah, Caoimhe Party, Samuel Tressler IV, Adeline Thery, Matt Edens

Producers: Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus + Clark Kline

HOSTED by Mikael Johnson, Rona Mensah, Doug Powell
OPENING by Joey McAdams
BUMPS + AWARDS Mike Yamrus
ARTWORK and POSTER: Samuel Tressler IV
Video Clues: Clark Kline
Program Design: Mark Burrier
Awards Design Roland Metal Art
Volunteers: Corey Atkinson, Chris Howell, Elby Carlisle, Zack Cutler
Launch Party at Spinners Pinball Arcade
Launch Party Design Shae Yamrus, Mike Yamrus, Tim DeFoggi
Physical Criteria Design Shae Yamrus
Judges: Skizz Cyzyk, Phil Allocco, Jeffery Keilholtz, Laura Hopkins, Samuel Tressler IV, Caoimhe Carta, Rona Mensah, Patty Myers, Matt Edens, Dr Kelly Trigger, Jason Streff, Adam Lemnah, Celia De La Vega
PRIZE SPONSORS: Maxon, Cinecolor, FilmPac, Final Draft, Archai Media, Film Convert, Wonder Book, Tree Trekkers, Dublin Roasters, Warehouse Cinemas.

Producers: Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus + Clark Kline
HOSTED BY Doug Powell + Mikael Johnson
ARTWORK + POSTER Shae Yamrus/Samuel Tressler IV
Criteria Presentation Created by Shae Yamrus, Mike Yamrus + Tim DeFoggi
AWARD CEREMONY starring Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell by Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Clark Kline, Adeline Thery
PRIZE SPONSORS: Red Giant, Final Draft, Archai Media, Film Convert, Wonder Book, Tree Trekkers, Dublin Roasters, Neat Video, Phenomenology, Warehouse Cinemas.

Producers: Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus + Clark Kline
HOSTED BY Doug Powell + Mikael Johnson
POSTCARD By Samuel Tressler IV
PROGRAM DESIGNED BY Kristina Eberhardt, Peace of Burlap
LAUNCH PARTY AT OLDE MOTHER BREWING  Hosted by Mikael Johnson + Doug Powell, Music by DJ Two Teks
Criteria Presentation Created by Shae Yamrus, Mike Yamrus + Tim DeFoggi
EVENT VIDEOGRAPHY/ PHOTOGRAPHY + “10 Year Retrospectives” BY Falling Squares
PRIZE SPONSORS: Red Giant, Final Draft, Archai Media, Film Convert, Wonder Book, Area 31,  Markoff’s Haunted Forest, Film Comment, Quasar Science, Neat Video.

Three’s a Family and Clues
Starring: Becky Brown + Samuel Tressler IV Directed/Edited By: Clark Kline
Cameras: Samuel Tressler IV + Mike Yamrus

The Past
Starring: Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell, Clark Kline, Lisa Burl + J.T. Smith
Directed/Edited By: Clark Kline Cameras: Samuel Tressler IV + Mike Yamrus
Compositing: Samuel Tressler IV
Written/Improvised By: Cast
Costumes + Location By: Maryland Ensemble Theatre

Producers: Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus + Clark Kline
HOSTED BY Doug Powell + Mikael Johnson
PROGRAM DESIGNED BY Kristina Eberhardt, Peace of Burlap
VOLUNTEERS Patrick Briscoe + Chris Howell
LAUNCH PARTY AT CAFE 611  Hosted by Mikael Johnson + Doug Powell
Music by DJ Two Teks Photography by Erick Gibson
Criteria Presentation Created by Shae Yamrus, Mike Yamrus + Tim DeFoggi
The Thirteen and Trigger Promos
Directed/Edited by Clark Kline Starring: Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell, Nadia Helena + Others. Camera: Samuel Tressler IV + Mike Yamrus Compositing/FX: Samuel Tressler IV Written/Improvised by Cast With apologies to Alfred Hitchcock
The Black Hills Night Hike Created by Nickolas Jackson Produced by Clark Kline
AFTER PARTY AT NiDO’S Organizer: Lianne Delawter
JUDGES: Eduardo Sanchez, Skizz Cyzyk, Diana Fiasconaro, Jeff Keilholtz, Grey Adkins, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Matt Davies, Rick Kain, Mark Burrier, Coimhe Carty, John Grove
Prize Sponsors: Final Draft, Fangoria, Markoff’s Haunted Forest, Quasar Science, Neat Video, FilmConvert, Phenomenology, Archai Media
Supporters: Nido’s, Weinberg Center for the Arts, DC Shorts, WonderBook, Cafe 611, Area 31, Archai Media


Producers: Clark Kline, Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus
Hosted by Samuel Tressler IV
Opening and Interstitials by Joey McAdams
Team Bumps + Award Ceremony by Mike Yamrus
Man Behind the Curtain: Tim DeFoggi
Constellation Artwork: Wesley Pastorfield
iOS App by Lonny Gomes and Chris Howell
EPISTULA/Clues: Physical Element by Shae Yamrus, Video by Mike Yamrus
Program Design by Kristina Russell, Peace of Burlap
Poster Design by Wesley Pastorfield/Samuel Tressler IV
Awards Designed by Roland Metal Art
After Party at Nido’s Organized by Lianne Delawter and Shae Yamrus
Launch Party Hosts: Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell
Launch Party Music:
Launch Party Criteria Presentation: Mike Hoolehan, Tim DeFoggi
Judges: Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Richard Jefferies, Michael Tully, Rich Bussey, Ken Arnold, Dan Decluca, John Grove
Volunteers: Patrick Briscoe, Chris Howell
Trigger in the Sky (Not Presented) Directed/Edited by Clark Kline Starring Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell. Camera by Samuel Tressler IV and Mike Yamrus. Improvised by Cast
Stargazing:  Directed/Edited by Clark Kline Starring Becky Brown Camera Samuel Tressler IV
The Black Hills Night Hike by Nickolas Jackson


Producers: Clark Kline, Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus
Hosted by Doug Powell, Mikael Johnson and Stefan Subotich
Opening and Interstitials by Joey McAdams
Team Bumps + Award Ceremony by Mike Yamrus
Man Behind the Curtain: Tim DeFoggi
Tarot Artwork: Wesley Pastorfield
iOS App by Lonny Gomes and Chris Howell
Tarot Clues: Cinematography by Samuel Tressler IV, Assistant Camera by Mike Yamrus Directed/Edited by Clark Kline
Program Design by Kristina Russell, Peace of Burlap
Poster Design by Wesley Pastorfield
Awards Designed by Roland Metal Art
After Party at Nido’s Organized by Lianne Delawter and Shae Yamrus, Magician Mike Hotovy
Judges: Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Tim Martin, Stephanie Hyder, Kirk Bowers, Richard Jefferies, Michael Tully, Rich Bussey, Ken Arnold, Dan Decluca, John Grove
Prize Sponsors: Archai Media, Neat Video, Red Giant, ProSoundEffects, Final Draft, Stage & Screen, Area 31
Supporters: DC Shorts, Wonder Book, Area 31, Archai Media, Weinberg Center for the Arts
Launch Party Tarot Reader: Lisa Burl
Launch Party Magician: Wandering Wonders by David London
The Composition Book Directed/Edited by Clark Kline, Starring Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell and Amber Powell. Written by Mikael Doug Clark. Cinematography: Samuel Tressler IV

Producers/Judges: Clark Kline, Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Shae Yamrus, Ryan Hines.
“Drug Church:The Prequel” STARRING: Jeff Keilholtz, Mikael Johnson, Matthew Manning, Douglas Cathro, Samuel Tressler IV, Erik Hadden, Lisa Duva, Devin Gaither, Michael Bush, with Special Appearance by Doug Powell EXTRAS: Lisa Marie Fields, Brian Massey, Alex Rizzo, Mike Peters
CAMERA OPERATORS: Samuel Tressler IV, Alex Rizzo
LIGHTING: Alex Rizzo
SOUND: Eric Looney + Paul Mason
WRITTEN BY: Clark Kline + Mikael Johnson, Improvised by Cast
DIRECTED BY: Clark Kline
Equipment Provided by Archai Media
Special Thanks to Burgess John Miller + Middletown Municipal Center
72 Film Fest:
Opening by Joey McAdams
Team Bumps + Award Ceremony by Mike Yamrus
Man Behind the Curtain: Tim DeFoggi
Hosted by Doug Powell, Mikael Johnson and Samuel Tressler IV
iOS App by Lonny Gomes
Program Design by Kristina Russell, Designs by Kristina
Poster Design by Samuel Tressler IV
Event Photography by Mike Yamrus Photography
Supporters: Mac Business Solutions, Archai Media, Wonder Book, Cafe 611, Weinberg Center for the Arts
Prize Sponsors: Final Draft, Archai Media, Area 31, Neat Video, Red Giant
72 Film Fest Launch Hosted by Doug Powell + Mikael Johnson with Music by Raindeer Special Thanks to Cafe 611

Producers: Clark Kline, Tim DeFoggi, Samuel Tressler IV, Mike Yamrus, Nichole Vande Vere, Ryan Hines.
Hosts: Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell.
“The Producer” Starring Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell and special appearances by Jeff Keilholtz and Amber Powell. Directed by Clark Kline. Improvised by Cast.
“Opening” by Joey McAdams
“The Chase” by Mike Yamrus
“Puppet Audience Rules” by Erik Secula
Award Ceremony and Team Bumps by Mike Yamrus.
Man behind the Curtain: Tim DeFoggi
Supported by Frederick Community College, Mac Business Solutions, Area 31, Cafe 611, Wonder Book, Archai Media. Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger. Judges:Jonathan Slade, James Udden, Tim Martin, Rona Mensah, Matt Edens, Matt Davies, Richard Jefferies, Jack Gerbes, Vin Grabill, Mark Ashley 72 Script Fest Judges: Launch Party Music by Joint Effort.

Producers: Clark Kline, Erik Secula, Tim DeFoggi, Mike Yamrus, Nichole Vande Vere
Host: Mikael Johnson, Larry Fellows and Pete Bergen
“Opening” Directed by Mike Yamrus
“Interstitials” Directed by Joey McAdams
“Science!” Directed by Clark Kline starring Mikael Johnson, Evan Owens and Samuel Tressler.
Judges:  Kelly Trigger, Eric Reickel, Evan Guilfoyle, Rona Mensah, Richard Jefferies, Matt Edens, Tim Martin, Rhett Murphy
Film Ratings by Erik Secula
Launch Party Scientists: Key City Roller Derby Girls
Awards designed by Roland Metal Art
Supported by Flying Dog Brewery, Mac Business Solutions, Frederick Community College, Big Picture Media, Area 31, Wonder Book and Frederick Film Fest
Prize Sponsors: Archai Media, Flying Dog, 1513photo, TriState Astronomers
Launch Party Photos by 1513photo
Festival photos by Fotos by Franco

72 Film Fest Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger
Judges: Eric Reickel, Rhett Murphy, Evan Guilfoyle, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Tim Martin, Richard Jefferies.


Producers: Clark Kline, Erik Secula, Tim DeFoggi, Mike Yamrus, Nichole Vande Vere
Host: Doug Powell, Mikael Johnson and Rona Mensah
“The Writer” Opening Directed by Joey McAdams
Team Bumps and Awards Directed by Mike Yamrus
“The Horror” Directed by Clark Kline starring Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell with special appearance by Jeff Keilholtz.  CoStarring Pete Bergen and Amber Powell. camera: Mike Yamrus, Clark Kline
“Vote for the Host” by Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell.
“Begin” Promos directed 
by Mike Yamrus
 designed Roland Metal Art
Sponsored by Final Draft, Flying Dog Brewery, and KeyW
72 Film Fest Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger
Judges: Jack Gerbes, Eric Reickel, Nichole Dowlearn, Rhett Murphy, Evan Guilfoyle, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Tim Martin
72 Script Fest Judges: Matt Edens, Rhett Murphy, Alan Kreizenbeck, Erik Hadden, Eric Reickel, Walter Chalkley, Michael Nazelrod, Shuan Butcher, Celeste Schaefer Snyder.
Poster Design by Thomas Newman

“Typewriter”, “Launch Party”, and Festival Photos by 1513photo

Producers: Clark Kline, Erik Secula, Tim DeFoggi, Mike Yamrus
Host: Doug Powell (with Erik Secula)
Switchboard Opening Directed by Joey McAdams
Team Bumps and Awards Directed by Mike Yamrus
“The End” Directed by Mikael Johnson/Clark Kline starring Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell with special appearance by Jeff Keilholtz.  camera: Mike Yamrus, Zack Cutler, Clark Kline
“They Meet Again”, “Reach”, “Revelation”, “Sore, “Bitter”,  “The Thievings”
 Improvised by Mikael Johnson, Doug Powell and Amber Powell. Shot by Mike Yamrus and Clark Kline
“The 3 Clues” Promos directed 
by Mike Yamrus
“Bereavement” and “Donkey” promos 
directed by Erik Secula
 and Artomatic Room Design by Rebeccah Leister
Sponsored by Flying Dog Brewery Mac Business Solutions and KeyW
Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger
Judges: Jack Gerbes, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Joey McAdams, Shuan Butcher, Lisa Duva
Poster Design by Thomas Newman
“Phone” and “Launch Party” Photos by 1513foto

Produced by: Clark Kline
Hosts: Doug Powell, Mikael Johnson
“Red Riding Hood” Opening/Bumps Directed by Joey McAdams
“Clash of the Hosts” Directed by Clark Kline/Mikael Johnson Starring Mikael Johnson and Doug Powell
Awards Designed by Rebeccah Leister
Advisory Board: Erik Secula, Rebeccah Leister, Joey McAdams
Guest Judges: Eduardo Sanchez, Alice Hoffman.
Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger.
Judges: Shuan Butcher, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Adam Lubkin, Caryn Clippert, Lee Gardner.
Poster Design by Thomas Newman


Produced by: Clark Kline  Jason Streff
Host: Mikael Johnson
“Edgar Allan Poe” Opening and Bumps Directed by Joey McAdams
The Giving” Directed by Clark Kline, Mikael Johnson  Starring Mikael Johnson and Michelle Murad
Awards designed by Rebeccah Leister
Guest Judge: David Kipen
Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger.
Judges: Shuan Butcher, Matt Edens, Rona Mensah, Diane Sibbison
Poster Design by Lauren Morrison


Produced by: Clark Kline  Jason Streff  Salyer McLaughlin
Host: Mikael Johnson
“Candle” Opening and Bumps by Joey McAdams
72 Film Fest and You!” and “GTA:Frederick” by Mikael Johnson Clark Kline and Joey McAdams
Awards designed by Rebeccah Leister
Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger.
Judges: John Healey, Rona Mensah, Kevin Logghe, Amy Riley, Adam Lubkin, Matt Edens
Poster Design by Jason Streff


Produced by: Clark Kline Jason Streff Salyer McLaughlin
Host: Rona Mensah
“Welcome to the Ring” Opening by Salyer McLaughlin
“Lance and Javier” Directed by Joey McAdams/Clark Kline Starring Caroline Berno & Jason Streff
Awards designed by Rebeccah Leister
Judge Chair: Kelly Trigger.
Judges: Shuan Butcher, Kevin Logghe, Matt Edens, David Koontz, Amy Riley, DC Cathro


Produced by: Clark Kline Jason Streff  Salyer McLaughlin Walter Chalkley
Host: Mikael Johnson
“Mr 72″ Directed by Joey McAdams Starring Mikael Johnson
Opening Music by Shane Gamble
Awards designed by Rebeccah Leister


Clark Kline, Jason Streff, Salyer McLaughlin
administered by Fool Martyr Productions

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