The online playlist includes all of the entries to 72 Film Fest 2023 including any late, screening copies, or director’s cuts.
Thanks to all of the participating filmmakers. Incredible work was turned in (48 on time even!) and we had a blast sharing it all with you on Friday and Saturday night. Thank you for being a part of the 72 Film Fest, whether this is your first year or 15th. Hope to see you next year!
Filmmakers: We will assemble our Youtube playlist this week, so if you have an updated copy you would like us to present on it vs the turned in copy, send it to us on the Discord. Thanks again!

AFTER PARTY at The Shed at Thacher & Rye.
2023 Jury
2023 Supporters and Sponsors
Full Episodes:
Comatoast meets Shrug!
Pecos Bill and the Wranglers meets Star Wipe!
Ah Muh Face meets Crowded Elevator!
Skinhunger meets Screenburn!
Every year filmmaking teams from across the country compete in timed film competitions like the 72 Film Fest. On each episode of Tales from the 72, we pair up two teams to chat about the fun and challenges of making a movie in a weekend. War Stories will be shared, advice will be given, and with any luck lifetime friendships will be made.
If you’ve participated in more than 3 years and want to be a part of the podcast, use contact form.

Let’s bring together all the filmmakers, writers, editors, actors and other screen artists in Frederick! Whether you’ve participated or even helped out on 72 Film Fest, or you’re a creative wanting to meet other likeminded folks, let’s make some connections and have some fun. Check the Frederick Filmmakers Meetup for casual meet ups, movie trips and more! If you’d like to host an event, let us know and you can share to the group.